Saturday, December 31, 2011

Wishes For The New Year

As 2011 seamlessly transitions into 2012, here are a few things I would like to see in our final year on earth according to the Mayan calendar:

A Stanley Cup in D.C.

As of right now, I realize that this is an incredible long shot.  In the current standings, the Capitals aren't even in the playoffs.  They have won two straight and hopefully they are starting to understand Dale Hunter's style of play.  Listen, a Stanley Cup is long overdue though.  The Caps have won four straight division titles, won the President's Trophy in 2009, and have had several 100 point scorers over the course of the last few seasons.  The playoffs are constantly a huge letdown.  Losing to an 8 seed or going 0-for against a division rival is baffling.  It's like they recoil when the light is shining brightest.  The Caps resolution this year should be to put it all together late in the season, and bring home the Cup that the city has expected for the last few seasons.

Smart Decisions and Decent Football Play in Ashburn

Look, I'm not delusional, though sometimes it seems like it.  I expect very little from the Redskins in 2012.  The issue is that after starting 3-1, the 2011 season was over by Week 8.  The team went from
6-10 to what looks like 5-11 with a better roster than they had in 2010.  All I ask is that they continue to draft well.  They did great with Ryan Kerrigan, and almost all of their draft picks have played at some point this season.  That's positive.  Now you have to get a quarterback.  As much as I love tons of draft picks, you have to do what you have to do to get a legit quarterback.  Grossman is gross, and Beck is some sauce.  You have no choice.  The Shanahans have painted themselves into a corner.  They say all the right things like the politicians running in the 2012 elections.  Now you have to get it done on the field.  Let's at least make an attempt to keep improving.  Approach .500.  The Redskins' New Year's resolution should be to not be last in the NFC East in 2012.  Or at least compete for third.

Another #1 Pick for the Wiz

The Wizards are still amidst a huge rebuild, so they aren't going to win many games in this shortened season.  John Wall is the cornerstone for this franchise and they need to surround him with talent.  Chris Singleton was a nice pickup last year in the draft, and Jan Vesely's impact remains to be seen.  At this point, the best thing would be for the Wizards to not win very many games and improve their chances at another #1 pick to pair with John Wall.  That sort of talent makes a huge difference, especially in basketball.  The Wizards resolution should be to get the fans in D.C. jazzed up for a new season after acquiring game-changing talent.

A Surge for Turge

Everyone expected a step back for the Maryland basketball team with the sudden retirement of legend Gary Williams.  At the same time, everyone is excited about what Mark Turgeon brings to the table.  He has hired serious local recruiters and already has a top-20 recruiting class coming in next year.  Not only that, but he and his staff found the 7'1" Ukrainian Alex Len who finally became eligible part-way through this season.  He adds much needed size to the current team.  Combine his growth in year two with the solid prospects coming in next year, and this team should be much improved.  Maryland is also in on some serious prospects for 2013.  If he can lockdown some of this high-end talent, Maryland's future looks bright.  Credit Turgeon for his solid coaching and knowing what he needs to win.  Maryland's basketball resolution should be to keep pressing for top-flight talent and hoping to land a few.

Put Up or Shut Up

Perhaps the polar opposite of the above wish for 2012, the Maryland football team is going in the opposite direction.  Randy Edsall took a 9-4 team and turned it into a 2-10 team.  He has said all the wrong things and mishandled every situation so far.  The claim is he is a good recruiter.  Now is the time.  You want to do things your way, then prove to the fans that you're way is working.  The university had to cut seven sports because fans don't enjoy going to football games.  It might have something to do with the product.  Edsall's resolution is simple: win and prove people wrong.

Premium Channel Programming Continues its Dominance

The best shows on TV are on the premium pay channels bar none.  Between True Blood, Boardwalk Empire, Dexter, Shameless and even the 24/7 HBO series, they are the most compelling, sexy, well-done shows on the tube.  Here's to those networks bringing in new programming that matches the quality of what they already air.  In 2012, HBO and Showtime should provide a resolution for what happened in the latest season finales of their current lineup.

3D Movies Don't Continue to Dominate Theaters

I understand that if anything there will be an increase in 3D movies.  I just really think that most movies that have been converted to 3D didn't really need to be.  Let's not use 3D for the sake of 3D.  Use it the way Avatar used it.  It's part of the story, and was the huge draw to that film in the first place.  Let's not make a movie 3D just because there is a few minutes of action in the script.  I can enjoy the action just as easily without an overdone gimmick.  I enjoy special effects as much as anyone.  I just prefer it when it serves a purpose other than to overcharge for ticket sales.  The movie studios should maintain a resolution to not overthink the movies they are making.  If it's filmed in 3D, great.  If not, leave it alone.

A New Job For Me

This won't happen until at least the spring, but at some point its gotta change.  Maybe this is the year.

Here's to a prosperous and healthy 2012.  Happy New Year all.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Bogus Corrupt Selections

The BCS is a joke.  It's like anything else in college sports.  It's all about the bottom dollar.  Yet the BCS isn't run by the NCAA.  It just operates the exact same way the NCAA does.  The "computers" determine rankings based on a whole set of factors that apparently objectively rate each team each week.  So at the end of the season, where teams are rated in the BCS standings determines which schools go to the Orange, Sugar, Fiesta, Rose, and championship bowl games.  So in this particular year it would be pretty hard for anyone to argue that LSU and Alabama shouldn't play each other for the championship.  They have certainly looked like the two best teams on the field this year.  It's the other BCS bowls that are totalling baffling.

All the Big Six conference champions earn a bid.  Then the remaining four teams are chosen at-large.  Ok, well the issue is that Virginia Tech and Michigan were invited to the Sugar Bowl.  These two teams won 10 games and had really good years.  But Virginia Tech lost twice to Clemson, including a loss in the conference championship game.  Late losses generally work against a team.  Michigan, after a wonderfully resurgent year, did not even compete for a conference title!  How on earth do both of these teams get a bid to the Sugar Bowl??  Boise State, everyone's favorite underdog small school, lost one game this year in the middle of the season to a decent TCU team.  What are they thinking?

The whole thing is so ridiculous.  Virginia Tech and Michigan were chosen because their fans travel well and can be found everywhere.  They are two of college footballs best brands.  The amount of fans heading to New Orleans on January 3rd will be a boon for that area.  Not only does the city make money, but the bowl itself makes money and the schools make money to continue their dominance of college football media publicity year after year.  These schools don't deserve to play in the Sugar Bowl.  Why are computers determining the best teams in Div.-I football?  It's the most assbackwards thing I've ever heard of. 

This has obviously been going on for years, but this year with this Sugar Bowl matchup, I think people are realizing there is no equity in the BCS.  One or two loss teams are at the mercy of selection committees.  In every other level of college football and every other sport, there is a tournament/playoff.  Everyone knows whether professional or amateur, playoffs are exciting, nerve-wracking and dramatic.  Where is the drama in computer rankings?  There are none.  Behind the computers are guys that are determining which games will bank the most money for the respective BCS games.  These teams aren't going to play until one team stands alone.  They are going to play one game and have to ask "what-if". 

I'm as big a fan of more college games as anyone.  I'm going to watch a lot of the bowl games.  Of course, I can't watch them all since there are nearly 40 of them.  (Seriously, like half of all FBS teams make a bowl game.  6-6 teams are getting into bowls.  Aren't you supposed to be good to play in the post season?)  That's only because I'm a football fan.  I'm not watching because of the merit of a championship.  Lord only knows which team is actually the champion.  Hopefully, we won't need many more seasons like this for something to change.  As far as I'm concerned, until the results are truly determined on the field, all national champions are only champs on paper.  Let them play it out.  Sports is all about the rise of a champion.  The only way to witness that ascent is let the best play the best.  Keep the decision-makers (and the money) out of it.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Randy Edsall's Bogus Journey

Talk to any true, young Maryland fan and they will tell you they were less than enthusiastic about the hiring of Randy Edsall.  Not everyone was totally against it, but no one was particularly excited either.  He seemed like a run-of-the-mill, moderately successful coach that would hopefully inject a youthful exuberance.  Nothing about him really stood out as "This guy is excellent."

He did take Connecticut from an FCS (as it's now known) school to an FBS school, and he ended up over time winning a Big East title.  Ok, fine.  At the time though, the Big East's best teams had no less than four losses.  UCONN got lucky enough to win a tie breaker.  Anyway, I suppose that should still be considered an accomplishment.

His foray into the Maryland football coaching lexicon has led to no such accomplishments.  After his disastrous 2-10 year, he now has a coaching record with more losses than wins.  In nearly 20 games, he has beaten a top-20 team once.  ONCE.  If you're moving from Connecticut to Maryland you should probably have more than one victory over a top-20 team.  Even in crappy years Ralph Friedgen beat ranked opponents.  On his watch, the Terps beat Florida State a couple of times.  That alone should be cause to celebrate. 

Let's talk about that.  The 2010 ACC Coach of the Year was fired after leading a team to a 9-4 season after having a disastrous 2-10 season of his own the year before.  He did it with a redshirt freshman at quarterback.  Yet new dipshit AD Kevin Anderson decided nine wins wasn't good enough to extend the portly coach.  Nine wins at Maryland!  That should be praised around these parts.  Outside of Fridge's early dream seasons, that is the apex of a program like Maryland.  It should be celebrated, not dismantled.  Then he goes and gets a guy who is not a sexy hire at all compared to Mike Leach.  Leach is a colorful personality with a prolific offense.  For whatever reason, U-Md. was just too good for him (best sarcastic tone).

So enter the young gun who would rather worry about earrings and facial hair than not getting into the end zone.  Hey guys, here's your new coach, Joseph Stalin.  Enjoy being tortured by a man that thinks he's too good for any of year and doesn't care about wins.  He cares about the Edsall Way.  Which seems to be the way down.

There is about a .5% chance Edsall is relieved of his duties following this season.  His exorbitant contract is prohibitive in that regard.  (By the way, $10 million?  Unearned.  What were they thinking?)  So we will sit back and give him another year to get his guys in here and play the Edsall Way.  My question is, who the hell wants to play for this guy who never ever takes any blame for anything?  Not the five-star recruits, I can tell you that.

Thanks, Edsall for making my alma mater the laughing stock of the conference.  I hope you find a way to make this work because you're driving this whole thing off a cliff.  No one is going to come watch games next year because of you.  You're window is closing.  Miami must be kicking themselves right now wondering how on earth they lost to the Terps in 2011.  Oh, and if Mike Leach all of a sudden makes Washington State good, I'm going to have a shit-fit. 

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Part II: A Fan Study: Attending A Big Game - Football School

(Part two of a two part series)

After attending a disappointing game during a disappointing season for Maryland, I was excited to get out to the West Coast to see a "real" game.  I attended the Oregon-USC game in Eugene, OR in a game that featured not one but two legitimate, big-time football programs.  USC has a few national titles over the last decade.  Oregon has been ranked in the top-10 in the BCS for the last few years with a national title appearance last year.  Really, could a football fan ask for anything more?

Technically, I was rooting for Oregon.  My brother is a junior there.  The best part about a game like this though, is that you can enjoy the game for the game itself.  I wasn't overly nervous about the execution, defensive lapses, or lack of effort by any one team.  Sure, I got a little distraught when Oregon fell behind early.  I definitely got excited when they made a furious comeback at the end of the game.  Overall, it was just great to watch great teams play football.  It was different to see a team like the Ducks not buckle when down by 17 points.  They know they have a unique offense that can score a ton of points.  They were undaunted by their deficit.

Conversely, it was unbelievable to watch a real quarterback like Matt Barkley play live.  A top NFL prospect for next year's draft - should he choose to come out - Barkley was disecting the Duck's young defense.  He threw for 4 touchdowns.  Receiver Robert Woods, another stud, couldn't be stopped either.  As much air as the USC offense took out of Autzen Stadium, you could tell you were watching a competitive game between two really good teams.  They both have only lost two games on the season. 

The atmosphere there is incredible.  In a state like Oregon, there aren't any pro teams to take the spotlight away from the college scene.  The state is split - you're either a Duck or a Beaver (Oregon State).  Hell, the OU-OSU game is called the Civil War.  Autzen Stadium is truly a great stadium.  When the Ducks were making their way back into the game, it was deafening.  The student section had creative cheers.  Chip Kelly is already a legend there.  The PA announcer was as enthusiastic as the fanbase.  It was freezing that night, and it was a packed house.  No one left early.  It was the most exciting game I've ever seen live.

The pregame was just as big.  It featured a huge school-sponsored tailgate in the beautiful indoor practice facility right next to Autzen.  There were huge inflatables with interactive games for kids to play.  Food and beer vendors waved green and gold pom-poms to lure you to their station.  Puddles, the mascot, was walking around high-fiving people.  There was a band in the middle of the facility to serenade people as they wandered around.  And this was totally seperate from the parking lot tailgating!  It was clear that Nike has just about everything to do with such a display.  I would say Oregon is glad that Nike is on their side.  It was a great time.

The Ducks did end up losing 38-35.  It was disappointing considering Oregon hadn't lost a home game in two seasons.  Afterwards, the fans weren't super upset.  They knew they still had the Rose Bowl in their sights if they beat their rivals in the final game of the regular season.  The fans took it in stride.  They know their team is good.  LaMichael James is one of the best running backs in the country.  They feel confident.  It was refreshing to see a fanbase not fall apart after a loss.  It must be nice to know you are always in contention.

Watching two winners go head-to-head is something all football fans should try and do.  It is a lot easier if one of those teams isn't your favorite team.  You can just enjoy the product.  There is a clear difference in the attitude and aura of a town that houses a football school.  Everything is ramped up a notch...and it's awesome.  I will always love Maryland, and I will always enjoy the tailgates.  But now I want to head to other places, like maybe the Southeast, to see how they do things on Saturday afternoons.  I would imagine its a lot like Eugene, if not bigger.  Every game of every week is an event.  That's what it means to be a football school.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Part I: A Fan Study: Attending A Big Game - Non-Football School

(The first in a two part series)

Finally, after years of trying so hard to convince myself, I truly realize Maryland is not a football school.  I just got lucky that when I attended school there, the program had a lot of success.  Several high-profile bowl games (including the Orange Bowl), an ACC championship, and a couple of 10-win seasons.  Since I've graduated there has even been some success.  But football success was never sustained over, say, a five-year period at one time.  And while Maryland being good in football is great, it is not a big, sexy program.  It is a basketball school -- like most ACC schools.  This is just the nature of the university.

Ok, so with that said, I have seen Maryland compete in and win big football games.   The Terps are in a Big Six conference so they tend to play legitimate programs throughout the season.  However, maybe once a year or every other year, Maryland plays a serious national powerhouse.  That was the case last Saturday when they faced Notre Dame at FedEx Field -- a local NFL stadium for Maryland fans.  Yet it was a Notre Dame home game.  How does that even make sense?  Well, when you've won as much as Notre Dame has and have as much history as they do, you can have a home game anywhere in the country.  Programs like Notre Dame have fans all over the country and they travel well.  They have all sorts of fans too, including the ones that have no affiliation with the university whatsoever.  But that's the benefit to constantly being good and recognizable.  The noterity brings the bandwagoners, and so the fan base grows.

So as one could imagine, the stadium was catered to Notre Dame fans.  Maryland fans were outnumbered, outcheered, and outenthused.  I would venture to say if Maryland's record was better, the crowd would have been a little more even.  Still, I think the Irish would have had the better showing as spectators.  Maryland just cannot generate a consistent fan base.  Byrd Stadium only holds about 55,000 people.  Notre Dame's holds nearly 81,000.  Movies have been made about Notre Dame football.  None about Maryland.  So nothing should be surprising about what happened Saturday.  The product wasn't great, and Maryland got stomped.

Notre Dame has more talented players, more efficient coaches, and a rich history of winning.  Despite Maryland's national title in the 1950's, no one involved in the Maryland football program is accustomed to winning.  At the end it was 45-21 in favor of Notre Dame.  Had the Terps won, it would have been a signature win for a Maryland program that would have reminisced about for several years running. 

They could not outduel the Irish, however.  They could not pull off the ultimate upset.  Half of the stadium was empty by halftime (I would guess most were Terps fans).  Perhaps that's part of the difference.  Maryland can't sell out home games when they are successful.  Schools like Notre Dame sell out every game and can charge high prices.  Maryland, due to lack of ticket sales (apathy?), is nearly forced to shut down other sports programs to cut costs.  Quite frankly, it is just a fast difference in football culture.

So what do we know about non-football school's game experiences? The tailgates are still fun, though I would imagine average on a national scale.  The football talent comes and goes much quicker than established programs.  Fans enthusiasm amounts to as much as a "meh. whatever."  Fans tend to leave early to avoid the traffic.  Generally, the fans also don't expect to win big games on a regular basis.  When nonpowerhouses do win, it is the event of the decade.  It is not typical to get so overexcited at school's like Notre Dame.  Yes, football fans will have fun, but it would appear that somewhere else, spectators are having more fun.  South Bend is probably one of those places. 

I was totally expecting to lose, but still made my own fun.  I am interested to see what my next reaction will be.  This weekend I will be attending the Oregon-USC game in Eugene.  The contrast will probably be astonishing.  Until next time, for Part II...

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The State of Penn

There really isn't much I can say that hasn't already been said about the horror happening up at Penn State right now.  No matter how you slice it, the whole thing is other-wordly in its severity.

Regardless of who I think should shoulder the blame (in terms of the "cover up"), let us not forget that the true, legitimate, bona fide monster is Jerry Sandusky.  This guy couldn't be a worse human being.  In fact, I heard someone say on the radio that it wasn't right to refer to him as a monster because it seems to absolve him of any humanity or human traits.  No, he's human.  He's just pure evil.

Anyone who rapes little children -- and repeatedly -- has more than a screw loose.  I don't exactly know what it is that compels people to prey on children.  Whatever the condition is should have some sort of antidote developed for it.  There are clearly a lot of crazy, unstable people in the world.  Not all of them commit acts like this.  The Grand Jury report is enough to make you cringe.  Sandusky seemed of sound mind during these instances of abuse.  How can you be so present and not think you are doing anything wrong?

In terms of the university, they are like every other major football power.  They are working in the best interest of themselves.  Whatever they can do to not have a bad light shed on them and their football program they will do.  I'm glad the President, AD and Vice President of whatever stepped down.  The severity of these assaults were de-emphasized according to all of them.  At least that's how I read it.  That grad student could have done more, yes.  JoPa could have done more, yes.  I will not excuse anyone for their involvement, but I can see where sympathizers would ask for some consideration for the legendary coach.

Apparently, Paterno did all the right things legally.  It seems to me like he just wanted it out of his hair.  On some level though, this guy has to step up and so something.  He is the King around there.  There are strings he could have pulled and people he could have called to solve this thing instantly instead of having it all come out at least 9 years later.  The problem with situations like this is that everyone has to take the fall.  Since he is the King, his reign must come to an end.  Look, no one has done what he has done in college football history.  Part of me also thinks finishing the season is ok for him.  But the reality is that this thing has shocked the world, and people need to be held accountable.  The severity of the crimes means that there needs to be a total housecleaning.  Sadly, that includes Paterno.  He is in his 80's though.  I'd say he put his time in.

This has to be the worst collegiate sports scandal in history.  Certainly in the last 20 years.  Forget realignment and pay-for-play.  This trounces all of that.  I just wonder how long it will take for Penn State to bounce back not only as a football power, but as a school and a community.  I have been referring to State College as a "black hole of humanity."  How long until they climb out?

Sandusky is the scum of the earth.  Even the scum of the earth think pedophiles are scum of the earth.  That goes to show how heinous these crimes are.  I don't think there's anyway he doesn't get convicted of most of these counts, if not all of them.  I hope he's sent away for 100 lifetimes.  Either way he'll probably get killed in prison.  That's what happens to most child molesters.

This will be a story for a long, long time.  You keep the victims in your prayers and hope they are doing ok.  Perhaps this will serve as a lesson to everybody -- universities included.  Don't turn your back on innocent victims.  Everybody ends up losing.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Sunday in the Life of a Redskins Fan

(1 o'clock start)

9:30 AM - Wake up to a lovely, crisp fall morning.  Eat breakfast/go for a run/do some reading online.

11 AM-12 PM - Take a shower and get ready for NFL Sunday, excited for football all day.  Watch pregame.

12 PM-1 PM - Last minute preparations and travel to the viewing location.  Meet and greet with friends and fellow football fans.  Order first beer and gush with excitement over the prospects of another winnable game.

1:15PM - After a good defensive series and holding the other team to a field goal, fans feel good, but still have trepidations about the rest of the game as the offense still needs to show what it can do.

1:18 PM - The offense has just finished its first series and already given the ball up after not gaining very many yards. 

1:40 PM - The first quarter is over and the Redskins are down by 10 to a rookie quarterback/rookie coach/1-win team/poor defensive team, and fans are upset but hopeful since there are still three quarters left to play.

2:30 PM - The Redskins have scored points (one touchdown or one field goal), but they have given up more than they have scored.  Things aren't quite clicking offensively either due to poor offensive line/quarterback play or unfathomable turnovers/dropped balls by receivers.  Fans hope that halftime adjustments are made.  After all, there is a lot of football left to be played.  The game isn't over until it's over.

3:00 PM - Things are looking up.  The offense is moving now and they have driven the ball down field on a methodical drive and they have scored points.  There is a long way to go, but spirits have been lifted.

3:10 PM - The defense has made a big stop, and now the entire fan base is revved up.  By now one beer has become 5+ and the energy is through the roof.

3:39 PM - What has happened?  The defense that has been generally stout is has given up touchdowns/huge passing plays/been gashed by running backs on the last 2-3 drives of the opposing team, a team that has up to that point not been able to score/run/pass effectively for much of the season.  Still, the defense has not been the problem.  The 2-3 drives the offense has had since that spark at the beginning of the half have not instilled the same amount of confidence/pride/excitement as before.  The 3rd quarter has ended and now time is an issue.  The beer count is now some where around 8+.

4:07 PM - With only minutes left in game, the Redskins and Redskins fans really need something similar to a miracle to win this game.  The entire fourth quarter saw the Redskins score some more points, but also saw the opposition score some more points and/or extend drives to keep the ball out of the hands of the Redskins offense.  With 3 minutes left to go and one time out left, the Redskins need to make this stop in order to have one last chance to score.

4:08 PM - The Redskins do not make the stop.  Fans wonder how the team has won 3 games up until this point.  The beer count is now 10+.

4:10 PM - As the opposing team takes the "victory formation", fans beginning spitting the most hateful/negative remarks regarding the miserable result of the game.  Such comments may include, but are not limited to:

- What's wrong with the defense?
- We still can't cover one-on-one
- We don't wrap up when we tackle
- We need a quarterback.  We've needed a quarterback for 20 years.  When will we finally get one?
- Our offensive line is porous
- We have no depth
- The coaches called a bad game
- We can't create turnovers
- We are an embarrassment to the sport of football
- This doesn't happen to other franchises
- That's what we get for having a racist nickname (this comment is generally spoken when the anger plus the booze has boiled over into two decades of frustrated futility)


Sports talk radio, all media, coworkers discuss the happenings of the previous day.  Fans listen and express opinions as part of the "healing" process.  It is painful, but common.


Can't wait until Sunday for the next game!  Go Redskins!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Triumphant Return!

Wow.  It has been a while.  There was a whole lot going on and the blog fell by the wayside.  But how convenient to return to the blogosphere after it is announced that John Beck will be the man leading the Washington Redskins!  Ka-boom.

Isn't this just grand?  Everyone who follows the NFL knows that the Redskins had a problem at quarterback before the season even began.  Many even predicted that something like this would happen.  Either Rex Grossman or John Beck would start, then they would suck, and then the other guy takes over at the delight of the fanbase. 

Well, it only needed five games into the season for all of this to play out.  As far as the next 11 games go, it's anybody's guess.  Odds are that the 'Skins are going to tank simply because they do not have quality play at the most important position. 

I personally think this is the right move though.  All the Shanahans have been doing is hyping the upside of this Beck character since he's been here.  Well Grossman won the job initially and put all this Beck hype to bed.  As it turns out, Rex Grossman is awful at playing football.  Giving the ball away is his favorite.  This is a move they had to make.  Beck, so far, seems like he values possessions unlike his counterpart.  Plus, he can move, which is good considering half of the offensive line is injured.  I could have made this recommendation long ago.  I have a hard time trusting a starting quarterback that looks like the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man.

I know that Beck looks like a farm hand, but at least he's an unknown commodity.  There is a really good chance that he is going to blow donkey nuts.  I think this is all part of the plan though, I really do.  The coaches knew they had nothing coming into this year.  They are building piece by piece.  The 3-4 defense was abysmal last year, one of the worst in the league.  So they stocked up on some stellar defensive players and drafted well.  Now they are tops in the league in some categories.  They got a few good players on the offensive line, and still need to work on it.  But I think they wanted a decent team around a guy first before they got the guy.  Well, now is the time.  They still have work to do in other areas.  But now with a defense that can play, they need to get their man for the future.  There hasn't been a franchise QB since like Joe Theismann.  I'd say its about time.  Next year's draft do what you can to get one of the premier guys.  You probably can't get the guy, but that's okay.  Just get someone who can play.

Until then, it is a fight to the death:  Rex vs. Becks.  I'm in Becks' corner all the way.  Then when he starts to suck, I'll be ready to talk about the prospects of next season.  The saga continues...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Putting "The U" in Uh-Oh

I know I haven't posted in a while.  It's like I don't even care right?  Well I don't know.  Turns out there are some newsworthy items out there to speak about.

As it turns out "The U" may as well stand for "The Uncompliant."  Ok, maybe that's not a real term.  But the story Yahoo! Sports released is seriously toxic for the whole athletic department in Coral Gables.  The amount of names - famous players - that were listed by Nevin Shapiro is staggering.  He was nothing if he was not uberforthcoming with information about all the gifts he provided to players, coaches, and the school.

In a place like Miami I think it would be easier than in some other places to get players and coaches to take gifts and live "the life."  Miami is a huge market with a huge nightlife.  It is not hard to find temptation abound in the surrounding areas of Coral Gables.  Not to mention this Shapiro guy had a yacht.  A yacht!  I mean seriously, how much more G can you get?

This whole situation is not surprising at all.  Perhaps the extent of it is sort of alarming, but mostly people just shake their heads as if one of their friends told a stupid joke.  Nobody is really shaken by this stuff anymore.  Its not just Miami.  It's everywhere.  Miami just got it in the butt.

This guy Nevin Shapiro is a total tool anyway.  He's spending the next 20 years in prison because he only liked making money illegally.  Now he wants to spill the beans since the players aren't backing him.  He knew that these players would take the bait if he dangled it in front of them.  I think he's the major villain in the whole thing.  I don't deny that players need to take responsibility for their actions.  They should know better.  They need to understand how strict the NCAA is.  You gotta know its stupid if a guy is paying for you to bang some girl.  But at the same time, when people with money just want to give it to you with no questions asked, it would certainly be hard to pass that up.  I don't know.  I'm not sure what I would do had I been in such a situation.  I hope I would use my head, but that's easy coming from a schlub like me.  Had I been there I may have made the same decisions.

There hasn't been a major "death penalty" handed down in NCAA sports since SMU in the 80s.  It would be a huge blow to one of the premier athletic programs in the country if Miami received such a sanction.  It would certainly change the landscape of major college sports for a few years, especially football.  Poor new football and basketball coaches.  They didn't ask for this.  Now they are in the thick of it.  All the Hurricanes community can do is sit back and wait.  This could take a while.

Speaking of expensive things people don't deserve, have you seen Ashton Kutcher's trailer for Two and Half Men?  Its insane.  It's a semi truck with like seven 60" TVs in there.  Really what's the point of that?  He's already making $700,000 an episode.  Give me a break.  This isn't your home.  It's your trailer while on set.  Define overkill.  Clearly, some Americans are not feeling the financial crisis.  Jealousy?  Yeah maybe a little.  But this is bordering on gold-toilet status.  Our dream is his reality.  Sheesh.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Top 10 Titles More Suited to John Beck Than Redskins Quarterback

1.  John Beck, CPA

2.  John Beck, Esq.

3.  John Beck, DDS

4.  John Beck, Realtor, ReMax

5.  John Beck, Director, Campus Recreation

6.  John Beck, Vice President of Marketing

7.  John Beck, CEO

8.  John Beck, Revenue Agent

9.  John Beck, Museum Curator

10.  John Beck, Operations Manager

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

NFL Dream

(To the tune of Katy Perry's Teenage Dream)

You reached an agreement
Without missing too much time
And if you didn't
I was gonna lose my mind.
It was frustrating
But now everything's just fine.  Just fine.

Let's vote all the way tonight.
No regrets, just votes.
Let's settle this once and for all.
You and I will work for 10 years.

You've made fans
Feel like their going to pee their pants
The way you lead them on.
Enough lockout
Go to the field
And don't ever look back, don't ever look back
Our hearts stopped
When we believed
Football might not be seen
But you came through
And thanks to you
We're gonna see sacks and every single long pass

It seemed so stupid
An owners and players fight
All over money
Which never really seemed quite right.  Quite right.

Let's vote all the way tonight.
No regrets, just votes.
Let's settle this once and for all.
You and I will work for 10 years.

You made me
Want to motherfuckin yell and scream
The way you made me wait
But now we're cool
Fall Sundays are back, Fall Sundays are back.

You all kept my heart racing
With deadlines you were facing
End the lockout for me tonight
Let them put the pads back on
Let me sing the fight song
Let them win for me tonight...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Another Dimension

Ok, so the women lost the World Cup final to Japan.  Sort of gave it away.  Or so I'm told.  I was on my way back from an awesome weekend at the lake house (not mine!).  They were heavy favorites and should have won.  Oh well.  I was over it in about 5 minutes.  I would have liked to brag about a victory, but no big deal.  That's the beauty of soccer in America.  No one expects too much.  Even from our Number 1 women's team.  And even if they do expect a lot, nobody is really devestated if they lose.  Anyway, some of the games were exciting and the ratings were big.  Props to women's soccer for actually giving us something to watch in this dorment time of the sports year.

On a totally unrelated note, I would like to discuss the new "in" thing on the big screen:  3-D movies.  Apparently, according to Hollywood, any new movie worth its salt needs to come out in 3-D.  As any avid movie goer has learned, this is to the detriment of the product.  Generally, I enjoy the 3-D effects.  There is an added element of excitement and newness with it.  But with the technology now becoming the norm, how exciting is it?  Avatar was phenomenal in 3-D, and that movie sort of kick-started this new fad.  But now Hollywood is making movies just to use the technology.  I saw a preview the other day for Shark Night or something like that.  One of those awful, gory-style-young-people-dying movies relating to sharks in a lake or some bullshit.  Seriously?  Leave Jaws as the scary shark movie.  There is not a chance in hell that this will be a good movie.  But producers think it will be supercool for audiences to feel like a shark is really attacking them.  I would argue that no one wants to pay $14 for a crappy movie regardless of the special effects.  I don't know, maybe I'm an idiot and don't understand the masses.  But to me its a gross overuse of something that really doesn't add much cinematic value.  I mean really, how many Final Destination movies do you have to make just for super gory 3-D scenes?  Those movies stopped being good 5 movies ago.  Please stop.

So when I see the final Harry Potter movie on Thursday, it will not be in 3-D.  Sigh.  I don't know.  Maybe I'll cave.  I'm the worst victim of Hollywood marketing on earth. 

Monday, July 11, 2011

Party in the U.S.A.

Ahoy!  I am a week removed from my trip to Scotland, and I gotta say it was a great trip.  Wonderful things to see and wonderful people as well.  Upon returning to the States, the world is in the throes of the Women's World Cup -- perhaps no grander stage to display pride and patriotism.  In the spirit of my travel to foreign lands and many foreign lands vying for soccer's ultimate crown, here are a list of 5 things I would love about living in the UK and 5 things I would totally miss if I ever lived in the UK:

5 Things I Would Love About Living in the UK

1.   In major cities, pubs on every corner.  I mean seriously.
2.   Public transportation.  Everything is so efficient, you don't even need to drive.  Plus you can walk everywhere, so you could be safe going to and fro the pubs.
3.  An emphasis on not working too hard.  Obviously, people work hard, but they are not afraid to take a load off over there.
4.  The lack of tipping in the service industry.  It's weird to order a drink and not have to tip each time.  Though they appreciate I'm sure, it's not entirely expected.  The cost of the drink is the cost of the drink.  Cool.
5.  The fact that in Scotland, it doesn't get dark until after 11pm in the summertime.  Obviously, the inverse is true in the winter, but we won't worry about that.

5 Things I Would Totally Miss About the U.S. If I Lived Abroad in the UK
1.  American football/sports.  Far and away.
2.  Driving on the correct side of the road.  Our side.
3.  American TV.  While I enjoy the British sense of humor, we have so many more choices for solid TV programming.
4.  Cuisine.  I loved haggis, but the melting pot that is America has a myriad of options for great food destinations.  Especially in D.C.
5.  Dentistry.

So that would be my lists.  And today you have to be super happy to be an American!  After the U.S. women's soccer team had the most improbable sports victory I can remember.  I know most of my friends would argue that soccer - especially women's soccer - has no bearing on anything relating to sports or patriotism.  But I am not that shut-off.  No matter the sport, I love championships.  LOVE THEM.  How could you not be excited about this?  In a weird way, it makes me feel like I can get out of any rut.  The team was dead and buried.  I sure wrote them off (of course, that is nothing new).  The resiliency and grit the team showed is something to be admired.  Brazil, gaining every possible advantage from the referee, thought they were a shoe-in to play France on Wednesday.  But after all the flopping and whining, all they are going to do is go home with the whole country waiting for 2014's men's team to defend home country.

Now the French await.  And if we've learned anything, it's that the French buckle under the pressure.  Go USA and Slainte Mhath!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

For Buckets Sake

Quite the exciting night.  Packing for Scotland while watching the NBA Draft! Riveting.  But yes, I will be out of commish for the next week as I am overseas visiting the birthplace of golf.  Sweeeeet.  I will have knocked out 2/3 of the UK in last two years.  Holler.

I have to say, it is encouraging watching the Wizards operate in this draft.  Initially, I do not get excited about bringing in foreign players who you may have to wait a year or two to even get onto your squad.  That's simply a bias.  I don't get to watch those players play throughout a season like I do with the college players that are coming out.  But the experts seem to really know these guys and really like this Jan Vesely character out of the Czech Republic.  Watching his highlights sort of made me a believer.  He is a vicious dunker.  It will be nice to see John Wall alley-oop him a few times a game.  But what really endeared me to him after watching him be selected was his money long smooch with his hot, blond girlfriend.  The crowd went wild.  Great TV.  I just hope he makes it over to D.C. for next season.  That would be my main concern. 

I love the pick of Chris Singleton at 18.  He fell right into the Wizards lap and they jumped.  They need defense and he just so happens to be a wide body to fill up the lane.  I think he will be a valuable asset to a growing, immature team. 

I don't really enjoy the Shelvin Mack pick in the second round, though I am familiar with him.  With my fellow Terrapin Jordan Williams sitting there ripe for the picking I would have loved to seem them take the hometown hero.  But I guess they may need a safety net at the guard position in case Nick Young leaves or  just for depth.  After all, they need to score more points than the other team to win games.  Simple concept.  I'm just not sold that Mack is the answer to help contribute to point totals.  But he could prove me wrong.  He's not a bad player.  Overall, I think the Wizards really did help themselves though.  They got skilled players and filled some needs.  That's what its all about.  A couple more drafts with multiple picks and they could really be in good shape.

Alright, so I shall return with a blog in a few weeks after the overseas vacation.  In honor of my trip to Scotland, here are a few things I would like to see happen when I am off the American media grid for a week:

- NFL: Please tell me there's a season.  Get a deal done next week.  What a great welcome home gift that would be.

-Either the Nationals or the Orioles become a totally stable baseball franchise.  The buzz in DC right now is about the Nationals winning games, but when the coach quits there's a problem.  And well, with Angelos at the helm in Baltimore, all you can do is hope.

-I miraculously have a million job offers waiting for me upon my return.

-An epic Wimbledon final.  Actually, I will probably be plugged right into this, but whatever. 

Random note:  Why the hell are they remaking Footloose?  Some movies should be left alone.  MTV should be ashamed.  Julianne Hough is no Lori Singer.  I can tell you that right now.  Let Kevin Bacon's majestic performance stand alone. 

I'll do my best to take a pic in a kilt.

Monday, June 13, 2011

So, What Now?

As I sit here and watch the disembowling of Vancouver in Game 6 of the Stanley Cup Finals, I come to the realization that all a scintillating sports season is coming to an end.  Ok, with the way things are going in this game I have another two nights to mourn the exit of the "winter" sports season.  Still, should Vancouver not come back to win this game, after Wednesday, what comes next?

See normally we would only be a few weeks out from minicamps and training camp and two-a-days for college football.  And the anticipation would be making our knees shake and our manhood stand at attention.  But we don't really have that right now.  Though it looks like sunny days are on the horizon in terms of the lockout, we are still devoid of any legit NFL news.  If you look on an NFL news website they are reaching farther than Mr. Fantastic to find any interesting material.  The end of June and July do not look promising.

The great thing about May and June are the coinciding playoff runs by two of the major sports leagues in the NBA and the NHL.  Yes, some interest in hockey has waned a little bit since the Capitals broke a million hearts, but playoff hockey is second to none.  And as much as the NBA regular season makes me want to hibernate like a black bear, I do enjoy the playoffs.  Basketball is a great stage for dynamic superstar performances that can just take over a series.  Can we say Dirk Nowitski?  I mean, how great was it that he outdueled LeBron and Wade to take over.  So glad LeBron and Miami have to wait at least another year.  What a deuche.  No less than you deserve.  Big ups to Dallas.  Way to play.  Anyway, I digress.  The NBA finals was gritty, exciting, and worth watching...for once.  That's over.  Hockey will end in two days.  What is out there to replace that playoff excitement?

To all the baseball fans, don't tell me baseball.  Yes, baseball is a great summer outing.  But the season is so damn long, baseball doesn't even matter for another four months.  Plus, yet again, the area teams are not any good.  Nothing is interesting on that front.  Oh yeah, and baseball isn't football.  Keep that in mind.

So what to do?  I guess I will still be reading blogs and websites checking in on local sports and football teams that have nothing to report.  I will awake everyday with my fingers and toes crossed that the lockout is nearing its end.  I guess I will try to keep up on as much recruiting as I possibly can.  That's what I got.  Until then, as much as I hate that Boston is enjoying a pretty phenomenal run as a championship city over the last decade, I will hope the Bruins can string together a few more wins to keep the cup out of Canada. 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Come With Me If You Can't Forgive

Ya, I was the Gov
They gave me the part.
All I ever wanted to know
Is "When Can You Start?"

I was on top of Cali
Felt like Mr. Universe
But then, like my muscles,
Everything went in reverse.

Something bad happened
That I could not Erase.
All I want to do is
Punch this scandal in the face.

I told True Lies...
Or never told Maria:
"I have an illegitimate son!
See he's right heaya!"

I have found something to be true
After all this unrest:
Lamentation of women
Is not what is best.

I cannot Totally Recall
All of the women I've boned.
But its at least twice the amount
Of the bad guys I've pwned.

Relationship: Terminated.
Another Junior in the mix.
It's a kid problem not even
A Kindergarten Cop could fix.

And while I regret what I've done,
Maria, I say to you:
I know now why you cry,
But it is something I can never do.

Am I embarrassed? Upset?
It would appear so.
I am no longer anyone's
Last Action Hero.

I will no longer be remembered
For the parts that I play.
I wish I had the power
To Jingle this All aWay.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

C-A-P-S Crap Crap Crap


Well naturally it happened again.  The hockey team does all this work to get the Number 1 seed in the eastern conference, and they blow it.  That's all that you can say.  They blew it.  But the worst part is that this is two years in a row.  The Capitals are a team that are setting all the wrong records.  No #1 seeds get swept in the second round of the playoffs.  And to make it worse its a division opponent.  Seriously.  There is no excuse.  There was no fight.  I'm all out of answers.  It's nice to have a team that makes a postseason, considering the Caps are the only team that can, but for all the expectations.  I need something more.  Please.  I just need something more.

So obviously today was a rough day in the aftermath of the massacre on the ice last night.  Right before the end of work I hear that the legendary basketball coach at my alma mater has decided to retire.  Really?  Today Gary?  C'mon please no.  I can't deal.  I can't think straight.  I know you've had down seasons, including this last one.  I know your recruiting has not really stacked up nationally.  But you are all I have known.  You have delivered amazing things in your 22 years.  I was a student at Maryland during the national championship year.  How glorious that was.  No matter what happens with each season, I defend you to the death!  I never wished you to retire, yet here you are.  Too soon.  I know it was coming, but still...too soon.  The combination of these two events created a serious crack deep inside my heart.  Cinco de Mayo will be one of the worst sports days in recent memory.  I should have had margaritas to forget.

Someone at my office made an interesting point, or at least coined a new term.  He called me a "DC Sports Masochist."  I happen to think that is the perfect name for any die-hard DC sports fan.  We haven't won a professional championship (that means anything, people) since the Redskins won the Super Bowl in 1992.  This is the Redskins.  Holy crap.  Its bad.  Even when we are on the doorstep we can't deliver.  We shrivel up like a salted slug.  The losses are so damaging that it really does feel painful.  We love these teams, but they piss us off more than anything in the world.  They deliver more agony than joy, but we are tied to them for life.  We are asking for that pain.  We expect that pain.  We are in fact DC sports masochists.

Perhaps if Leonsis is considering renaming the Wizards he can start there.  Is there no relief?  Will there ever be?  Can't wait until next season!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Well, it has been awhile.  The great event that is the NCAA basketball tournament ended with a dud.  Had to be the worst game I've ever watched.  I had nothing invested this late in the game anyway.  My brackets were toast after round 2, though I did win a loser's pool in my Mom's office!  Exciting.

Anyway, just to send college basketball out with a bang, I need to comment on this Gary Williams-Debbie Yow-Greg Doyel feud.  Everyone knows Debbie Yow did good things, sort of, as an athletic director.  But to claim that Gary Williams sabotaged her coaching search is so ludicrous it's not even funny.

First of all, even if he did, who cares?  In fact, I hope he did.  Anything to ruin Yow's career or the institution of NC State is fantastic.  Also, as long as it doesn't effect Maryland or effects Maryland in a positive way, then I really have zero problem with it.

Second of all, I don't think Gary would go out of his way make calls or send emails to possible coaching candidates talking about how much of a bitch Yow is.  I'm sure he has better things to do.  (As an aside, in fact I hope he does have better things to do.  Like getting talented basketball players to come to school).  I really don't think he cares what Yow does or what NC State does.  It doesn't affect his status as a money Hall of Famer.

Now I wouldn't put it past coaching candidates to contact Gary to ask his opinion on working for Yow, in which case he can tell them what he thinks.  There's no crime in that.  I would in no way classify that as some form of sabotage.  He's merely telling them what he thinks about how miserable she is to work with.

And apparently some pro-Debbie Yow idiot from CBS Sports is saying that Gary would be locked up if he weren't a basketball coach because he's a lunatic.  Okay, idiot.  I don't think you have any grounds to make that claim.  Do you know Gary personally?  I don't.  Sure you have the right to express how you feel about someone.  I wouldn't go so far as to be slanderous without really knowing someone though.  I mean Jesus.  In your position as a journalist, there is something called credibility and integrity.  It would see to me that this guy has neither.  I suppose it shouldn't matter that some random blogger is bad-mouthing Gary Williams, but there's no professionalism and no reason to believe what this deuchebag thinks.

It's easy to see that I am a die-hard Maryland fan, and I'm in the tank for Gary.  Some people believe that he needs to move on because he can't get talent in here and maybe "the game has passed him by."  To me he has a lifetime contract, as frustrating as seasons like this past one may be.  But hell, he was coach of the co-ACC regular season champion last year.  I feel like that buys him a little time.  He's done more for the program than anyone.  Yow and Doyel need to step off.  Worry about yourself.  Since neither of you are Hall of Famers in your respective fields, perhaps you should reserve your jealous, pouty behavior.  You need to be in time-out.  Sigh.  Ok, I feel a little better.

Monday, March 14, 2011

March Badness

It does happen to be the week of the greatest sporting event ever created, so its hard to be completely down on the month of March.  However, I cannot help but notice a few glaring omissions from regular March festivities.

1.   Maryland was in fact so crappy to watch play basketball, they were uninvited to the NIT for God's sake.  A high profile program with a winning record (albeit not by much) was not highly regarded by the second rate basketball tournament during the Madness.  Wow.  As the end of the season neared, I certainly realized that this season was essentially the polar opposite of last season.  We had shooters, we had play makers, we had grit.  This year, we don't even want to go to the College Basketball Invitational.  And we've reached a new low.

2.  A funny thing happened on the way to the basketball tournament.  The NFL as we know it ceases to be a well-oiled juggernaut.  It has now become a schoolboy game of nanny-nanny-boo-boo, as each side sticks their tongue out at the other trying to figure out who has the bigger dick.  I think its pretty near impossible to side with the owners here.  How greedy can you get?  The players are the engine that makes the league go.  Well, concussions and messed up knees aside, let's take money back from the players to build gaudier, Middle-eastern prince-style stadiums that are totally unnecessary.  The fact that they don't even want to provide financial proof of their "decline" in profits, pretty much proves they are just representing capitalism at its best. 

Despite the fact that the owners are greedy bastards, I am just fed up with this whole thing from both sides.  Between the players and the owners, someone has to be smart and rational enough to figure this out.  This is the biggest display of immaturity I've ever witnessed.  This is over billions of dollars.  Ask me to split the money.  I can find a way.  I would love to find a way see if I can turn 1 billion dollars into more billion dollars.

And so, here is a limerick I have composed to keep this as cheeky as possible:

There once was a bunch of dicks
Who liked to go get their kicks
By demanding more cash
To throw in their giant stash
And reinforcing the fact that they're pricks

The players don't want to concede
Extra money the owners don't need
Why give it away
When they have no pensions anyway?
It's the epitome of greed

But now I don't even care
Because negotiations have gone nowhere
Its threatening to stall
The best part of fall
Forget you, to me this is unfair


Ok, I just watched the end of Season 15 of The Bachelor.  Sigh.  Really, what a March.  When's the next Caps game?

Monday, February 28, 2011

Act Interested

The Academy Awards came and went last night.  Of course, I was watching the 3-plus hour broadcast.  What else was I going to do?  Watch Maryland lose a must-win game?

On Monday, the broadcast was almost universally panned for being completely uncompelling and unfunny.  I would agree that James Franco and Anne Hathaway were not the greatest hosts.  But really, what could they do?  Comparatively, they were worse than Billy Crystal and Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin, but I tend to not really care so much about the hosting.  Though I must agree that when given an opening, neither host was particularly witty.  But the show is about the awards anyway, right?!

I missed the boat again on the AMC Oscar Showcase, which may be the greatest idea ever for a movie theater chain, leading up to the broadcast.  I was able to see 4 of the 10 nominated films though before Sunday night.  All of the movies I saw were really good movies, and I could see why most of them were nominated.  I agreed for the most part with the field of movies (except maybe Winter's Bone. Anyone heard of that?).  For my money, Inception was the best movie I saw in the last year.  It was super entertaining, the acting was good, and it made you think.  Perhaps it made you think a little too much, which is why it had no chance of winning.  I also saw True Grit, King's Speech, and The Social Network.  I really enjoyed them all. 

I was glad to see The Social Network win a few awards, especially for adapted screenplay.  Obviously, it struck a chord with me since everyone I know is addicted to Facebook.  So that was cool.  True Grit has a great story with some great acting and was not a typical, cookie-cutter Western.  There are a lot more layers to it than pointing a gun and shooting.  And the King's Speech was a great movie about a relatively unknown story about King George V (or VI, I can't remember).  This one also struck a chord with me since I had just been to England for my first international trip 7 months ago, and you know, I felt connected or something.

The issue is that all of these movies were good, and unfortunately there were no upsets at the Oscars.  Colin Firth won for King's Speech (he did deserve it).  He was like 1000 to one on Bodog to win.  All of the preshow winners pretty much ended up winning.  Which means if you pay attention to any of the pre-coverage, not much was left to the imagination.  Melissa Leo won Best Supporting Actress for The Fighter, but really I thought the 14-year-old girl from True Grit was good enough to win.  I realize I haven't seen The Fighter, but how awesome of an upset would that have been?  Also, to see Inception win Best Picture out of nowhere would have been great.  Or even The Fighter or something.  I'm not saying that the winners didn't deserve it.  But everyone loves an upset.  Like March Madness.  Everyone wants the 12 seed to beat the 5 seed.  Perhaps the Academy needs to watch more college hoops.  Create a little drama.  Shit, isn't that what these people are paid to do?

Until the Emmys...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ah, Awards Season

Yes, I am gay for awards season.  I can't help it.  I suppose its just because I like being entertained so much, and I would say for the most part I have heard of the artists being nominated.  I realize that I missed the Golden Globes, but let's be honest, that's like a golf tournament in Dubai and the Grammys, Emmys and Oscars are the U.S. Open, the PGA, and the Masters.

The Grammys, I would argue, are the most wildly unpredictable compared to the other awards shows.  For some reason music and musical taste seem to vary in such a way that no one seems to agree on anything.  A lot of times I would be left asking, "Who the hell is that?" in response to the nominees.  In a lot of ways, the commercial success of music that helps drive the awards is not necessarily what a lot of general consumers consider worthy of winning an award since all kinds of crap gets played on the radio.  

The point is that the Grammy winners surprise (baffle) me more than almost any other awards show.  I was glad to see certain people win.  Keep in mind that I'm a sucker for pop-music-bubblegum-misery, so I was glad to see Train win for pop vocal and to see Eminem win for rap album and whatnot.  But let's be honest.  An awards show about music comes down to the musical performances themselves.  Some of note:

  • 15 minutes of Aretha Franklin tribute singing at the top of the show is certainly overkill for a 20-something male 
  • Eminem, Dr. Dre, and Rihanna were great.  People that don't even like their music may have even paid a little more attention during that set
  • Bob Dylan sounded like shit.  I mean seriously its time to hang it up.  He sounded like he was singing from the grave.  Mumford and Sons was awesome though
  • Cee-lo dressed as a rainbow chicken was by far the show-stopper.  I mean you can't make that up.  His back up dancers were muppets, and he had Gwyneth Paltrow singing along side him.   If that's not the most random pairing ever.  Please enjoy:
  • Despite Katy Perry's subpar live vocals, she can do no wrong in my eyes
The performances certainly command more attention than the awards themselves.  I mean, really, there's Song of the Year, Album of the Year, and Record of the Year.  I actually don't really know what the difference is between the three.  There are so many categories now the awards seem diluted.  Also, there is no way that just because Justin Bieber was nominated for Best New Artist you can convince me that he is new to the music business or the charts.  He's had singles out for years!  Now he's a 3D movie star.  How can he even qualify as a new artist?

So as it turns out, of all the awards shows, the actual awards at the Grammys take a back seat to Lady Gaga's womb, Rihanna's dress, and Muse's was-it-fake-or-not riot on stage.  Once the movies and TV shows are honored, I can make more sense of that.  I spend over half my life glued to moving pictures anyway.  Either way, it is an exciting time of year for someone who lives for the red carpet hoopla that surrounds celebrities.  It truly makes for great TV.

Also, something to ponder.  If an artist can sing but not dance, do they fail to be a pop star?  It would seem to me that all current pop stars can do both.  Can you have one without the other?  Hmmm.....

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Fear and Loathing in D.C.

Welcome!  So this blog is simply to discuss sports and entertainment as I see it.  Basically, nothing of political, social, or cultural significance.  In a word: drivel.  But after all....we need useless chatter in our lives to balance the misery of the real world.  It will most likely end up being as random as the title.  Though I do get most of my vocabulary from movies, pop songs, or Seinfeld.

So on this Saturday in February, deep in the heart of college basketball season, a week after another irrelevant football season in D.C. came to an end, I had my fair share of local sporting events to watch.  All teams I follow, all teams I love.  As normalcy would have it, all teams are in the process of losing without as much as a glimmer of hope to win. 

It gets frustrating being a sports fan in this area and loving these teams.  Is anyone going to step up and prove that they are worth watching?  D.C. sports fans stress themselves out day in and day out trying to root for and appreciate these organizations/schools/players.  Moods are grimmer, outlooks are bleaker, and if not for hope (the eternal flame of hope!), TV ratings would be thinner.

The Capitals teased us last year with the most decorated season a D.C. sports team has had in a long time.  They were the highest goal-scoring, point-getting team in the league.  Then they cough up any shop at a championship trophy by failing miserably in the first round of the playoffs.

Last season, the Maryland Terrapins (my beloved...and frustrating) are co-regular season champions of the ACC and then get bounced in the second round of the NCAA tournament in the last second.

It's those kind of seasons that keep us coming back for more.  But upon the bloom of a new season, as expectations are high or simply a modicum of success is expected, we are let down.  The Capitals can't string wins together and are more up and down than a see-saw.  The Terps, well I'm sure I will be writing alot more about them later on.  They can't shoot, pass, play smart, grab a rebound or keep possession of the ball.  Bye-bye tournament hopes.

Look, I have said before that I know I should be happy with a team that is constantly a post-season contender, as the Capitals are.  And I know after what happened to them in the first round last year, the regular season really is essentially meaningless.  But it is hard to keep me watching each game as a die-hard fan only to watch them come up short more often than not. 

The Redskins have been bad for a long time so that's a whole other deep-seeded issue I need to deal with.  The poor play of the Caps and Terps cannot be condoned.  I am known to be a negative fan, and I can't deny.  But records and eyeballs don't lie.  Each team proves that they are underperfoming on a regular basis.  Every week of every season we go through it.  Here's looking forward to April when the Wizards and the Terps are no longer in the discussion, and the Caps are on their way to some other disappointing playoff display.

But hope springs eternal, right?  Maybe this is the year for the Caps.  Who wants to be a one seed anyway?  Perhaps the Terps win the ACC tournament.  Stranger things have happened, right?  It is possible...right?

Maybe I should just adopt Georgetown as my own.