Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Well, it has been awhile.  The great event that is the NCAA basketball tournament ended with a dud.  Had to be the worst game I've ever watched.  I had nothing invested this late in the game anyway.  My brackets were toast after round 2, though I did win a loser's pool in my Mom's office!  Exciting.

Anyway, just to send college basketball out with a bang, I need to comment on this Gary Williams-Debbie Yow-Greg Doyel feud.  Everyone knows Debbie Yow did good things, sort of, as an athletic director.  But to claim that Gary Williams sabotaged her coaching search is so ludicrous it's not even funny.

First of all, even if he did, who cares?  In fact, I hope he did.  Anything to ruin Yow's career or the institution of NC State is fantastic.  Also, as long as it doesn't effect Maryland or effects Maryland in a positive way, then I really have zero problem with it.

Second of all, I don't think Gary would go out of his way make calls or send emails to possible coaching candidates talking about how much of a bitch Yow is.  I'm sure he has better things to do.  (As an aside, in fact I hope he does have better things to do.  Like getting talented basketball players to come to school).  I really don't think he cares what Yow does or what NC State does.  It doesn't affect his status as a money Hall of Famer.

Now I wouldn't put it past coaching candidates to contact Gary to ask his opinion on working for Yow, in which case he can tell them what he thinks.  There's no crime in that.  I would in no way classify that as some form of sabotage.  He's merely telling them what he thinks about how miserable she is to work with.

And apparently some pro-Debbie Yow idiot from CBS Sports is saying that Gary would be locked up if he weren't a basketball coach because he's a lunatic.  Okay, idiot.  I don't think you have any grounds to make that claim.  Do you know Gary personally?  I don't.  Sure you have the right to express how you feel about someone.  I wouldn't go so far as to be slanderous without really knowing someone though.  I mean Jesus.  In your position as a journalist, there is something called credibility and integrity.  It would see to me that this guy has neither.  I suppose it shouldn't matter that some random blogger is bad-mouthing Gary Williams, but there's no professionalism and no reason to believe what this deuchebag thinks.

It's easy to see that I am a die-hard Maryland fan, and I'm in the tank for Gary.  Some people believe that he needs to move on because he can't get talent in here and maybe "the game has passed him by."  To me he has a lifetime contract, as frustrating as seasons like this past one may be.  But hell, he was coach of the co-ACC regular season champion last year.  I feel like that buys him a little time.  He's done more for the program than anyone.  Yow and Doyel need to step off.  Worry about yourself.  Since neither of you are Hall of Famers in your respective fields, perhaps you should reserve your jealous, pouty behavior.  You need to be in time-out.  Sigh.  Ok, I feel a little better.

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