Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The State of Penn

There really isn't much I can say that hasn't already been said about the horror happening up at Penn State right now.  No matter how you slice it, the whole thing is other-wordly in its severity.

Regardless of who I think should shoulder the blame (in terms of the "cover up"), let us not forget that the true, legitimate, bona fide monster is Jerry Sandusky.  This guy couldn't be a worse human being.  In fact, I heard someone say on the radio that it wasn't right to refer to him as a monster because it seems to absolve him of any humanity or human traits.  No, he's human.  He's just pure evil.

Anyone who rapes little children -- and repeatedly -- has more than a screw loose.  I don't exactly know what it is that compels people to prey on children.  Whatever the condition is should have some sort of antidote developed for it.  There are clearly a lot of crazy, unstable people in the world.  Not all of them commit acts like this.  The Grand Jury report is enough to make you cringe.  Sandusky seemed of sound mind during these instances of abuse.  How can you be so present and not think you are doing anything wrong?

In terms of the university, they are like every other major football power.  They are working in the best interest of themselves.  Whatever they can do to not have a bad light shed on them and their football program they will do.  I'm glad the President, AD and Vice President of whatever stepped down.  The severity of these assaults were de-emphasized according to all of them.  At least that's how I read it.  That grad student could have done more, yes.  JoPa could have done more, yes.  I will not excuse anyone for their involvement, but I can see where sympathizers would ask for some consideration for the legendary coach.

Apparently, Paterno did all the right things legally.  It seems to me like he just wanted it out of his hair.  On some level though, this guy has to step up and so something.  He is the King around there.  There are strings he could have pulled and people he could have called to solve this thing instantly instead of having it all come out at least 9 years later.  The problem with situations like this is that everyone has to take the fall.  Since he is the King, his reign must come to an end.  Look, no one has done what he has done in college football history.  Part of me also thinks finishing the season is ok for him.  But the reality is that this thing has shocked the world, and people need to be held accountable.  The severity of the crimes means that there needs to be a total housecleaning.  Sadly, that includes Paterno.  He is in his 80's though.  I'd say he put his time in.

This has to be the worst collegiate sports scandal in history.  Certainly in the last 20 years.  Forget realignment and pay-for-play.  This trounces all of that.  I just wonder how long it will take for Penn State to bounce back not only as a football power, but as a school and a community.  I have been referring to State College as a "black hole of humanity."  How long until they climb out?

Sandusky is the scum of the earth.  Even the scum of the earth think pedophiles are scum of the earth.  That goes to show how heinous these crimes are.  I don't think there's anyway he doesn't get convicted of most of these counts, if not all of them.  I hope he's sent away for 100 lifetimes.  Either way he'll probably get killed in prison.  That's what happens to most child molesters.

This will be a story for a long, long time.  You keep the victims in your prayers and hope they are doing ok.  Perhaps this will serve as a lesson to everybody -- universities included.  Don't turn your back on innocent victims.  Everybody ends up losing.

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