Saturday, February 12, 2011

Fear and Loathing in D.C.

Welcome!  So this blog is simply to discuss sports and entertainment as I see it.  Basically, nothing of political, social, or cultural significance.  In a word: drivel.  But after all....we need useless chatter in our lives to balance the misery of the real world.  It will most likely end up being as random as the title.  Though I do get most of my vocabulary from movies, pop songs, or Seinfeld.

So on this Saturday in February, deep in the heart of college basketball season, a week after another irrelevant football season in D.C. came to an end, I had my fair share of local sporting events to watch.  All teams I follow, all teams I love.  As normalcy would have it, all teams are in the process of losing without as much as a glimmer of hope to win. 

It gets frustrating being a sports fan in this area and loving these teams.  Is anyone going to step up and prove that they are worth watching?  D.C. sports fans stress themselves out day in and day out trying to root for and appreciate these organizations/schools/players.  Moods are grimmer, outlooks are bleaker, and if not for hope (the eternal flame of hope!), TV ratings would be thinner.

The Capitals teased us last year with the most decorated season a D.C. sports team has had in a long time.  They were the highest goal-scoring, point-getting team in the league.  Then they cough up any shop at a championship trophy by failing miserably in the first round of the playoffs.

Last season, the Maryland Terrapins (my beloved...and frustrating) are co-regular season champions of the ACC and then get bounced in the second round of the NCAA tournament in the last second.

It's those kind of seasons that keep us coming back for more.  But upon the bloom of a new season, as expectations are high or simply a modicum of success is expected, we are let down.  The Capitals can't string wins together and are more up and down than a see-saw.  The Terps, well I'm sure I will be writing alot more about them later on.  They can't shoot, pass, play smart, grab a rebound or keep possession of the ball.  Bye-bye tournament hopes.

Look, I have said before that I know I should be happy with a team that is constantly a post-season contender, as the Capitals are.  And I know after what happened to them in the first round last year, the regular season really is essentially meaningless.  But it is hard to keep me watching each game as a die-hard fan only to watch them come up short more often than not. 

The Redskins have been bad for a long time so that's a whole other deep-seeded issue I need to deal with.  The poor play of the Caps and Terps cannot be condoned.  I am known to be a negative fan, and I can't deny.  But records and eyeballs don't lie.  Each team proves that they are underperfoming on a regular basis.  Every week of every season we go through it.  Here's looking forward to April when the Wizards and the Terps are no longer in the discussion, and the Caps are on their way to some other disappointing playoff display.

But hope springs eternal, right?  Maybe this is the year for the Caps.  Who wants to be a one seed anyway?  Perhaps the Terps win the ACC tournament.  Stranger things have happened, right?  It is possible...right?

Maybe I should just adopt Georgetown as my own.

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